Working Washington

Protect #PayUp Now!

The past two years with your support we have won first of their kind protections for gig-workers in Seattle WA; and now we need to ensure they are protected!

Network companies are trying to kill this proposed fee by loudly claiming it must be absorbed by customers (not true), or that it will apply to small businesses (not true), or that this is yet another tax (not true). Instacart has sent out alarmist and fallacy-riddled mass emails to customers claiming Seattle is imposing a tax on groceries, and a DoorDash-sponsored regional Chamber of Commerce’s president has argued here in the Seattle Times that this will harm Latino-owned small businesses.

We organize with working communities of color to secure livable wages, safe working conditions, and long-term solutions to build an economy that serves working people. Seattle workers – who are also customers that rely on delivery services, and also owners and employees of small businesses – are championing sustained revenue for enforcement because we know that enforcement is the only way to make labor rights real. The key takeaway about this fee? It is one of very few progressive revenue sources in front of the Seattle City Council right now that makes the app companies pay to enforce the laws they love to break.

If OLS doesn’t get the dedicated funding needed to go to bat on behalf of workers, giant business interests win. But working people have bigger, brighter visions for our city – one that doesn’t prioritize corporate greed over workers’ ability to build a good life for themselves and their families. We know the city of Seattle can continue to be a leader looked to by workers and policymakers nationwide that shows how organizing and enforcement work together to create a healthy, pro-worker economy. We just need to make sure we keep following workers’ lead in the process.

Now we’re asking supporters to step up and support Working Washington to make sure we can Protect #PayUP! Donate today! and sign-up to receive updates regarding other ways you can support this vital work!

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2100 24th Ave S Ste 270 Seattle, WA 98144

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