Start a $5 per month or more recurring donation to become a Progressive Victory Member!
Please make sure to enter your Discord ID, select yes under "Make it monthly!", and enter the correct mailing information.
We offer the following incentives to our active recurring donors (each tier includes all the benefits of the previous tiers):
$5/month - Progressive Victory Dues Paying Member:
Shipped Items:
$10/month - Premium Member:
$20/month - Signature Member:
Shipped Items:
$100/month - The Inner Circle™:
Progressive Victory Merch Bundle Including:
Shipped Items will not be mailed until two months’ payments have been received.
Want to donate more than $100/month? Reach out to us and we will set up a special, custom incentive. Just for you. <3
P.S. ActBlue requires us to collect your legal name. If you have a different name you'd prefer we use for your Membership Card, just DM Jonah, (Discord ID: "killergiraffe1") and we will change it.
P.P.S. Please give us a while to deliver these incentives to you. Processing and delivery are being worked on! If you ever have a question or would like an update DM a fundraising team member on Discord.