Randy Udell

Randy Udell: District 47's Voice in the Assembly

My name is Randy Udell, and I'm running for the State Assembly in District 47, which includes most of Fitchburg, Stoughton, part of McFarland, Dunn, Rutland, Pleasant Springs, Dunkirk, and Albion. I've lived in the district since 1998.

I as an alder representing District 4 on the Fitchburg City Council from 2020 until 2024. I am currently a supervisor on the Dane County Board for District 33, which includes the southern 2/3rds of the city of Fitchburg.

Since my first foray working in politics as a high school student in Rock County, I've known government works best when we bring people together to solve tough problems. I like listening to people and working to help them solve their problems. I'm excited to have the opportunity to take on a new challenge while continuing to have the chance to represent Fitchburg plus seven other local communities as your voice in the State Assembly.

Thank you for your support!

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  4. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).

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