Kevin Rapp

Donate to Kevin Rapp's Campaign for: DC Council At-Large

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Safer, Smarter, Stronger 

Kevin, a sixth-generation Washingtonian, is dedicated to advancing our city into a new era of leadership. With deep roots, passion, and an ingrained understanding of DC history, he will introduce innovative strategies for lasting change.

Leadership in Action

With over 20 years in business and real estate, non-profits, and as Vice Chair of ANC5E, Kevin's leadership is proven.

About Kevin:

Living in Bloomingdale with his wife, Nicole, and their two children, Kevin is an entrepreneur and community advocate. He founded Rapp Distribution Company in 2016, growing it from zero to over 100 restaurant and retail accounts before the pandemic—an impressive achievement for unknown brands competing against established labels with larger budgets, staff, and influence.

He co-founded DC-based Non-Profit, Bike to the Beach, in 2007. That year, 23 cyclists raised $25,000. Bike to the Beach’s 100-mile bicycle rides have since expanded to New York, Boston, Miami, Baltimore, and Houston, attracting thousands of cyclists annually and raising over $12 million for autism and disability-related organizations.

Kevin’s family has a longstanding tradition of service in Washington, D.C. His great-great-great-grandfather, William, served in the Union Army’s 5th District of Columbia Infantry Battalion, a regiment organized specifically to defend DC.




Tackling Public Safety Head-On

Kevin is dedicated to a comprehensive crime reduction strategy that includes re-accrediting our forensic crime lab, overhauling call centers, and modernizing outdated systems. He also takes a hands-on approach in the community to continually understand and address our ongoing crises in DC related to drugs, poverty, and homelessness.

Empowering Education for Every Child

As the grandson of a DC public school teacher, Kevin is committed to strengthening the connection between teachers and students through in-person training and comprehensive support programs, especially in early childhood education. He advocates for opt-in programs with extended hours and shorter summer breaks to combat decades of low literacy and high truancy rates. Additionally, he is dedicated to ensuring that every student has access to and is encouraged to receive necessary therapy.

Affordable Housing

Vacant properties, unfilled vouchers, and complicated licensing and application processes require oversight, new policies, and updated technology. Kevin won’t rest until we fix our broken system. He takes a first-hand approach, including attempting to apply for ERAP (Emergency Rental Assistance Program) three times in the past year only to discover a complete breakdown in the application process.

Economic Renewal

Many businesses faced challenges during the pandemic, and when it was time to reopen, they found that Maryland and Virginia offered simpler processes and better incentives. Kevin is committed to revitalizing our city by consistently engaging with business owners throughout DC and beyond to understand their concerns and find ways to incentivize them to stay, return, or start new businesses in DC.

Kevin Rapp: Leadership in Action

  • Rapp Distribution Company—Founder

  • Bike to the Beach—Founder, 501(c)3 Non-Profit

  • Compass Real Estate—Realtor

  • ANC 5E - Commissioner and Vice Chair

  • Restaurants—20+ years experience

  • McMillan Advisory Group—Vice Chair


"Our city has been divided for too long by an ‘either-or’ mentality. We must unite across all eight wards and collaborate with every leader, both inside and outside of government, to represent all residents."


Every hand helps. Please contact us if you or someone you know has interest in joining the campaign. Even a few hours makes a huge impact.

Our campaign wants to get to know you 1-1 and hear how we can best serve you and your interests.


Direct Message on Social

Instagram: RappTheVote

Facebook: Kevin Rapp

Twitter: KevinRappDC

Perhaps you can find one post, reel, or story to share or create. Every share, like, and comment counts.


The Fair Election Program (FEP), maximum contribution is $100.

250 individual contributions are needed to qualify for FEP.

Multiple individuals per household can contribute. Every contribution made is multiplied by five and added to the campaign fund.

For example:

$100 donation = $600 contribution to the campaign

Thank you!

Rapp for Council At-Large

*scroll to top for campaign info

Contribution rules

  1. I am at least eighteen years old.
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  4. I am either a District of Columbia resident individual making a small-dollar contribution or a non-District of Columbia resident individual.
  5. I certify and affirm that this contribution is being made in my name and from my own funds.
  6. I am making this contribution voluntarily and I have not received anything of value in return for this contribution.
  7. I understand that making a false statement is a violation of the law.
  8. I hereby affirm that I was not, nor, to my knowledge, was anyone else, reimbursed in any manner for this contribution; that this contribution is not being made as a loan; and that this contribution is being made from my personal funds or my personal account, which has no corporate or business affiliation.
  9. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.

By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue's terms & conditions.