We aim to build a lean structure that can select any specific injury issue and educate, organize, and mobilize existing local coalitions to develop, initiate, and get funded reparatory programs locally in multiple communities simultaneously.
We will manifest this mission through work, strategy, and building the collective will of activists in communities across America.
Reparations United aims to unite thought and action within the reparations movement. There is tremendous energy within the movement at the local and state levels where grassroots action is most relevant. The current level of grassroots action in the movement is disjointed, visionless, and harmfully competitive.
Thus Reparations United seeks to solidify unity in thought around the Durban Model through a grassroots educational component. We further seek unity in action, also at the grassroots level, that has the aim of synchronizing actions of repair.
Learn more about our cause at ReparationsUnited.org