Hello, and welcome to our mission for reproductive freedom in Tennessee. We believe that every individual should have the right to make their own personal decisions regarding their reproductive health, without interference from politicians.
Our Goals:
1. Educate the public about the importance of reproductive freedom and the threats it currently faces in Tennessee.
2. Advocate for policies that protect and expand access to reproductive health care.
3. Support candidates who are committed to defending reproductive rights.
We believe that everyone deserves access to safe, affordable reproductive health care, and the freedom to decide when and if to start a family. However, this fundamental right is under threat in Tennessee, and we need your help to protect it.
Why We're Fundraising:
We are currently fundraising to support our advocacy efforts, educational programs, and political initiatives. Your generous donation will help us to reach our goals to Educate, Advocate, and Support.
We value every donation, no matter its size. Be it $1 or $500, your generous gift will make a significant difference in our battle for reproductive freedom in Tennessee.
Thank you for considering a donation to our cause. Together, we can ensure that reproductive freedom is a reality for all Tennesseans.