Coworker Solidarity Fund

Emergency Fund for Netflix & Apple Employees

On Friday, Oct. 15th, 2021, it was reported that both Netflix and Apple had fired employees connected to internal organizing efforts inside the companies. Others are being investigated and facing pressure to sign confidentiality agreements for severance they can't afford to live without.

The Solidarity Fund by Coworker is mobilizing financial support for workers at Netflix and Apple who are facing possible retaliation for their workplace activism and organizing.

We are a mutual aid organization—solidarity, not charity—for workers who are engaged in efforts to improve their jobs and work lives. 100% of your online gifts will go directly to workers.

Your contribution of $25, $100, or $1,000 will help worker activists pay for their needs, no strings attached — from rent and health insurance to trainings and events.

We are still working on a process to apply for this emergency funding. If you are a current or former employee, contractor, or tech worker impacted by Apple or Netflix and you're engaged in organizing efforts in the industry, please reach out to us directly to receive support. Our email address is