Well, we got their attention. Revlon sent a letter threatening legal action against UltraViolet because we spoke out and asked the cosmetics giant to remove toxic, cancer-causing chemicals from their products.
Revlon is using the threat of a lawsuit as a scare tactic because they know our message is powerful. Now's the time to double down, and show Revlon: we aren't going anywhere.
Right now, our creative team is busy designing nationwide ads that we'll run on the same fashion and makeup websites that host Revlon ads. We'll be warning customers that Revlon not only makes products that cause cancer, but they also threaten people who speak out about it.
We know Revlon has a huge advertising budget. But there are more than 500,000 of us, and if we all chip in, we can get our message in front of hundreds of thousands of people, forcing Revlon to do the right thing or ruin their image. Can you chip in $10 to hit Revlon where it hurts and fund advertisements all over the web?