I'm a dad, a Marine Corps veteran of Iraq, Eagle Scout, and life-long resident of Sumner County. I've served my community and my country for most of my life and I'm not done yet. But, I need your help in my continuing fight for what is right.
Service to my country and community has always been at the center of my life. I knew I wanted to continue that service in public office someday, but after watching this past legislative session I decided it was time for me to get involved now!
For the past several years our state legislature has passed law after law limiting or eliminating the rights of citizens while expanding protections for wealthy companies and corporations. They pretend to stand for small government, yet have consistently passed bills that regulate how we live our lives. They attack public education with an attempt to funnel our taxpayer dollars into out-of-state for-profit private school systems giving the people who can afford private school tuition a break. They have vowed to do absolutely nothing in regard to gun reform, even though a majority of Tennesseans want to see something, anything, change for the positive. Our state consistently ranks in the bottom two thirds in all sorts of metrics from safety, to education, and medical care. Help put me to work for working people so that I can try to make a positive change for District 44 and ALL Tennesseans!