Help Re-Elect Rosemarie Rung for State Rep!

The election on November 5 is incredibly important - we know from the last 2 years that Free Staters and religious extremists are trying to erase the values we Granite Staters hold dear -rights of all individuals, reproductive freedom, quality public schools, and local, responsive town governments.

My record is solid. I have championed and successfully passed into law important environmental measures, including regulations on PFAS in our water, air and soil. I've always voted to uphold a woman's right to make decisions about her body - and I always will. I believe in fiscal responsibility, local control, and ensuring all our children have opportunities to meet their potential. We must also make sure our families, elderly and those struggling can afford housing and healthcare. That is the NH Way.

Your support will go a long way to ensuring we protect New Hampshire and the way of life we all cherish. Thank you and PLEASE remember to vote November 5!

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