2 Parties 1 Purpose YOUR Voice

I’m raising funds together with Hon. Jim Allard so we can help the citizens of Chichester, Pittsfield and NH and their families.

Jim is an Independent and I am a Democrat. We do not agree on everttgubg but we agree on the important issues, including that our focus needs to be on our constituents.

We both want to pass smart legislation on Fair Educational Funding, Property Tax Relief, Our Environment and Retaining our Privacy.

Two years ago, my district was changed and I lost by only 152 votes. This year I bumped up my budget to $10,000 to increase my signs, brochures and mail pieces needed to reach more voters.

The Honorable Jim Allard served 4 years, as a Repbublican representing the people of Pittsfield. He recently switched to an Independent.

I served (a different) 6 years as a Democrat representing the people of Chichester (& Pembroke).

Jim and I find that despite our 2 Parties, like most of our constituents, we agree on far more issues than those we disagree.


2 Parties. 1 Purpose. YOUR Voice

Your contribution will help us to return to Concord to serve YOU


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  2. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.

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