Savage Victory Fund

The Savage Victory Fund needs your help. Contribute Today.

The Savage Victory Fund was founded in 2020 to recruit, develop, and support Democratic candidates for local office right here in Schenectady County.

A major focus of the Savage Victory Fund will be to support first-time Democratic candidates for local office, especially young people, women, people of color, and those running for office in flippable red-to-blue districts.

Across the nation, Republicans are spending large quantities of money to elect far-right Trump acolytes at even the lowest levels of government, in order to build a bench of activists to run for higher office.

Right here in the Capital Region, tens of thousands of dollars have been spent by the Trump Republicans to elect candidates for offices as low as Town Supervisor, in hopes that those candidates will then run for higher office and support a right-wing agenda. They even spent $33,000 to elect a slate of school board candidates who would support arming local school employees with weapons.

In 2020, we need to work hard to get Donald Trump out of the White House. But we also must not forget about downballot races, and make sure we are electing Democratic candidates to office at all levels, and fight back against extremist Trump Republicans here at home.

But we can't accomplish our goals without your help.

We hope you can support the Savage Victory Fund today.

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. I am at least eighteen years old.
  3. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
Per New York State law, any donation over $99 will be filed and disclosed with the New York State Board of Elections. Donations below that amount will be kept confidential. Checks are payable to "Savage Victory Fund" and can be mailed to 1556 Keyes Avenue, Schenectady, NY 12309.

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