Turn Texas Blue PAC

Save the 馃悵's from Republicans!

Republicans are at it again in Texas!聽

This time, they have bees in their sights.聽

You鈥檇 think saving the bees that pollinate flowers and plants would be pretty non-partisan, but not in Texas.

The solutions to helping bees in Texas before the legislature are pretty simple. One proposed Bill would require utilities to plant bee-friendly landscaping after they dig up roadsides of state highways. Another bill would require solar farms to provide bee-friendly natural habitats.

Naturally, Republicans are opposed to both of these bills, and won鈥檛 grant them a hearing!聽

Texas Republicans won鈥檛 even cross the aisle to save our endangered pollinators!聽

We can鈥檛 go on like this much longer. We鈥檝e got to Turn Texas Blue once and for all!

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