We have until 9am tomorrow to turn out as many people as possible to stop the FCC from striking down our digital civil rights. Every dollar you donate today will help us get more people out to this rally to save the Internet.
We're deploying digital ads across the DC region to drive folks to show up to the Net Neutrality Wake Up Rally before Trump's FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai, holds the vote to end net neutrality. We've been testing ads for a few days, and estimate that every $10 we invest can get about 10 more people to sign-up to protest the vote.
This is where you as a supporter can help us scale our impact and shift the tides of this race:
- Help reach 10 new Net Neutrality protesters before tomorrow’s vote - give $10
- Help reach 20 new Net Neutrality protesters before tomorrow’s vote - give $20
- Help reach 100 new Net Neutrality protesters before tomorrow’s vote - give $100
...or donate another amount!
As a former Verizon executive, it’s clear that Ajit Pai is on the side of the special interest telecom industry. Pai’s plans to eliminate net neutrality will negatively affect us all. That’s why we must demand that the FCC stop their plans to rollback net neutrality this December and instead keep the internet open. That’s why Color Of Change is making this important investment, in turning out Net Neutrality protesters and so much more.
The future of a free and open Internet depends on how much noise we’re able to make before tomorrow’s vote.
Join us and make a donation today, tomorrow will be too late!