Scotty Jacobs

We're ready to ride!

Support from folks like you is what inspires me to serve - I am so grateful you're a part of this journey.

Whether small or large, your contribution helps make this campaign possible. From the window signs you see to the costs of running a campaign, I'm humbled by your support, and know that, together, we can bring change to City Hall.

Let's Ride, D5!


Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. I do not have a financial interest in a land use matter valued at $5,000,000 or more that is currently pending before the Board of Appeals, Board of Supervisors, Building Inspection Commission, Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure, Historic Preservation Commission, Planning Commission, Port Commission, or Treasure Island Development Authority Board of Directors, nor have I had a financial interest in any such land use matter for which any of these boards or commissions have rendered a final decision or ruling within the last twelve months.
  5. I am not an owner, director, officer, or named sub‐contractor of any entity that has a contract proposal pending with the City and County of San Francisco which is subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors or with a state agency on whose board a Board of Supervisors appointee serves, or of any entity that received such a contract within the last twelve months.
  6. I am not a contract or expenditure lobbyist in the City of San Francisco.
  7. This contribution is not from a corporation, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership.
  8. My aggregated contribution(s) to this committee do not exceed $500.
Contributions are not tax deductible. Scotty Jacobs for Supervisor 2024 may accept contributions from individuals or businesses. Spouses and domestic partners may each contribute the maximum, even if their contributions are made from a joint account, but should submit separate contributions, each authorized by the contributing spouse/partner. We may not deposit your payment without your name, street address (no PO boxes), occupation and employer. The legal compliance list above sets forth other prohibitions. Paid for by Scotty Jacobs for Supervisor 2024, FPPC ID # 1469692. Financial disclosures are available at

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