Donate here to keep our most dedicated 2024 phone bank volunteers—Cameron, Candace, Donna, Doug, Ivan, Jane, Laura, Libby, Lindsay, Paul, Natalie, Suzi, and Tony—extra motivated as they dial for Dallas Harris (NV 11) and Nicholas Gonzales (AZ 13).
You’ve heard of pledging money for walks, runs, and bike rides (e.g., $1, $10 or $25 per mile)? Now, you can donate (an amount of your choosing) for every connection we make with a LIVE person.
Your donation will inspire us to reach more undecided voters and encourage them to go to the polls, helping to elect Dem candidates up and down the ballot!
Here's how it works: Simply choose the amount you want to donate per connection, per volunteer—$1, $5 or $10 for 20 or 30 connections (or some number in between).
We share the dollar amount donated with our volunteers on Wednesday to inspire them to keep dialing for undecided voters, voters who need a voting plan, or supporters who can volunteer locally. Then, on Friday, we email you the total number of connections our volunteers made for the week!
Each dollar you donate will go straight to Sister District HQ, to keep the organization humming so we can flip more states from red-to-blue.
With the future of our democracy still uncertain, we need a powerful line of defense in our state legislatures to safeguard elections, advance voting rights, protect abortion access, and more.
Your gift will help Sister District recruit and train grassroots volunteers nationwide, add field and fundraising capacity for candidates seeking the highest impact state legislative seats, and provide strategic and tactical support to candidates and their staff.
Prefer to donate by check? Please make your check out to “Sister District Project”, with employer and occupation listed in the memo, and mail it to:
Sister District Project
440 North Barranca Avenue, #8737
Covina, California 91723