It's ambitious, but before we ring out 2024, we want to raise $10,000 from at least 50 different people. Help me meet that goal!!
I'm running for City Council to:
* Ensure that Newton is an affordable place to raise a family
* Ensure that Newton seniors have affordable options to live if they want to move out of their homes and stay in the city
* Ensure that young people who grew up in Newton have affordable options if they want to return and start their careers here
* Make every village center a vital hub of local community
* Do everything we can at the municipal level to combat climate change
* Create safe streets and neighborhoods for everyone
* Budget our values
The next decade in Newton is going to be shaped by lots of different factors.
I have a positive vision for shaping Newton to meet those challenges and maintain what we love about our city.
I welcome your support.
Thank you!!