Silver Echo Feliz Democracy Club

Donate to Silver Echo Feliz Democracy Club (SEFDC) - "SILENT NO MORE - Shouldering our sacred duty in the awesome responsibility to prolong the American democracy."

Lord Tytler determined that the average democracy has a life expectancy of only 200 years. Stockholm, Sweden's International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) says the number of established democracies under threat has never been so high, with coups ending democracy in Myanmar, Afghanistan, and Mali; parliament being dissolved in Tunisia "because of Covid-19;" and the USA being listed alongside Brazil and India for slow-motion trainwrecks toward the death of democracy. Dictatorship, or democracy itself, on American soil hangs in the balance. The divisive politics of scapegoating which preceded World War II is resurfacing here at home. Don't forget, Adolf Hitler was elected by well-intended voters in Germany, before Hitler fired everyone who disagreed with him, and packed the courts with his own judges. Hitler power-grabbed Germany using dis-information and threats of violence from a small, but passionate, voter base. Sound like someone in the USA? Do we want our USA to become the Fourth Reich? Or will we stand up, as the father of democracy, Cleisthenes, hoped?

Say "no" to the divisive politics of hate speech, and drown out the out-sized wizardry of big dark-money politics, by joining the "silent majority," but SILENT NO MORE. We can no longer stand idly by, waiting for other logical voters to stand up and speak out for level-headed, science-based, solutions to the many problems which passion-based politics have brought upon usOnly by setting aside our passions will we be able to see clearly enough to banish these plagues. Let us resist being inflamed by emotional rhetoric, and instead calmly look inward to our own values:

  • Equality - One human, one vote (no more corporate big-money election-buying)
  • Honesty - Restore faith in democracy (no more dark money politics)
  • Responsibility - No more divisively scapegoating others for our problems. We are the "government" to which we refer! The would-be dictator has not yet abolished our "government of the people, by the people, and for the people."

We must shoulder this awesome responsibility to save democracy, while we still have a voice.

Each of us does not have the time to sort through the weeds on many issues, but together we can dig out the objective truth, devoid of blame-gaming, to make logical decisions that all of us can support, in a club joined together on a mission to restore the voice of the inclusive but "silent majority" in a true democracy "of the people, by the people, and for ALL the people."

Please help save democracy with SEFDC. Donate today.

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FPPC ID #1442533 Not authorized, nor paid for, by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.

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