“We hope to create a community of unity through historical truth, honesty in truth, cultural acceptance, respect of heritage, and the fostering of safe spaces to share.”
Your support is very important to us.
Donations are crucial to advancing our efforts to research and preserve Utah's history. Your donations pay for monthly service costs like website, communications infrastructure, contractor services, and research team expenses.
Sema Hadithi African American Heritage and Culture Foundation strives to tell the story of African-ancestor history, heritage, and culture by researching, preserving, and disseminating information throughout the community. Our primary goals are to promote scholarly research, provide resources for historical studies, and create a network of persons with similar interests. We wish to ensure that the community receives this crucial historical information.
Your donations support our research, preservation, and dissemination of lost and forgotten stories of America in the community. These stories restore hope to communities that feel marginalized and forgotten and foster appreciation, love, and brotherhood in communities that don’t know or understand the marginalized communities.