John Hickenlooper looks like a character actor from old Howard Hawks westerns, and that’s not even the best reason to vote for him. He was a successful entrepreneur when he started down the path that would take him from activism to politics; before long he found himself elected Mayor of Denver, and he’s been serving Colorado ever since.
Hick was a popular two-term mayor, and then a popular two-term governor, winning his elections comfortably, because he got shit done. He helped bring light rail to Denver. He got Medicaid expanded under the ACA. He listens to the people, even when he doesn’t agree with them, as demonstrated by his evolution on marijuana legalization. That sort of wisdom and humility would be a welcome change, wouldn’t it?
John earned his reputation as an effective moderate, and he’s achieved real, measurable progress, all while eliminating deficits. His leadership following the Aurora shooting led to the passage of significant new gun control legislation in Colorado; bring that NRA-whoopin’ mojo to Washington with you, Hick.
He was a geologist too, if the resumé wasn’t impressive enough for ya, in which case golly, you’re hard to impress. John Hickenlooper is gonna be a really good Senator, you guys. Let’s help him out.