What is Spotlight on Schools? It's an event to raise money for the four Cleveland County Board of Education candidates whose policies are student centered and solution driven.
WHEN: September 13, 6:00 PM
WHERE: Bobby Bell Pavilion,126 W Marion St, Shelby
You'll hear from and have a chance to speak with candidates Phillip Glover, Dena Green, Coleman Hunt and Meghan Hoppes.
And your $10 ticket will entitle you to one meal that includes a sub sandwich, potato chips, cookie and drink.
Enjoy the live entertainment by Tommy Forney and Justin Harper while you eat and fellowship. It will be a fun evening, and all profits will go to our four fine school board candidates to help them in their ongoing campaigns.
Note that meal tickets purchased after midnight on September 11 cannot be guaranteed to be honored. So please place your orders as soon as possible.
Thank you for your generous support. We hope to see you on the 13th!
If you prefer to purchase a paper ticket and pay by cash, check or money order, please send an email to info@clevelandcountydemocraticparty.com or leave a voice message at (704) 457-9840. We will make arrangements to get your tickets to you.