Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund

Fight back against attempts to further cut taxes for the rich and corporations

In the first two years of Joe Biden’s presidency we made critical progress toward unrigging our economy, enacting a corporate profits minimum tax on billion-dollar corporations, ensuring the largest, most profitable corporations don’t’ get away with paying $0 in federal income taxes. And, we enacted a 1% tax on corporate stock buybacks, penalizing corporations that invest income in inflating stock prices, benefiting wealthy shareholders at the expense of working people.

But Donald Trump and congressional Republicans are saying that in 2025 they plan to renew expiring portions of the Trump-GOP tax scam, which mostly benefit the rich and corporations.

We can’t allow them to roll back the progress we’re making in creating an economy that works for working people.

Our activism is critical to fighting back against even more tax cuts that benefit the richest 1% at the expense of working families. Donate today and power our advocacy that is telling Congress: Make the rich and corporations pay their fair share of taxes!

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