For two years, Atlantans across race, class, age, and neighborhood have united in opposition to Cop City. For two years, we’ve been ignored by Atlanta's government.
Now, we’ve come together to launch a ballot referendum to let the people of Atlanta decide. We’re taking our power back to make sure our communities are heard.
For too long, the City of Atlanta has conflated policing with community safety and sustainability, which has resulted in decades of harm and violence against poor, Black and Brown communities. But our communities are calling for a new vision. We can create real safety by fully funding our communities, not a $90 million dollar police training facility. When we Stop Cop City, we can invest in the healthcare, education, housing, and safety needed for the people of Atlanta to thrive.
Join us to ensure that our communities are heard so we can say YES to community care as we collectively Stop Cop City. Your support will help us bring awareness to the movement and collect the 70K signatures necessary to get the Referendum on the ballot.
New Disabled South Rising Inc. is a 501(c)(4) organization serving as the fiscal sponsor for the Stop Cop City Referendum Campaign. Contributions are not tax deductible.