We hope you will join us in person or on Zoom, March 17, 2022 at 8:00am to Kick-Off St. Patrick's Day.
Donations are appreciated but not required. If you'd like to join us on zoom, here's the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89523821471?pwd=TVN3V1MzaE04K0ZEYS96bVJQcXdwdz09
If you plan on attending in person, we'll see you at GrandTen Distillery, 383 Dorchester Avenue, Boston MA 02127.
If you are unable to join us, we hope you will contribute to the success of the event by making a financial donation.
If you would rather donate with a personal check, please make it payable to CTE Nick Collins and mail it to:
CTE Nick Collins
P.O. Box E-51
Boston MA 02127
Your donation will help us reach our March fundraising goal. Thank you for your support.