Bayou Brief

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Since 2017, the Bayou Brief has been Louisiana's only statewide, reader-supported digital publication of accountability journalism and in-depth reporting about the people, politics, culture, and history of an inimitable, vulnerable, and fascinating place.

We've done it all without charging our readers or bombarding them with ads or spam emails.

As our nation begins to recover from a catastrophic pandemic and a disgraced, twice-impeached former president, it's now more important than ever that we push back against the conspiracists and political arsonists here in Louisiana, many of whom played critical roles in fomenting the lies that incited an insurrection and turbo-charged the spread of a deadly virus.

Southerners know a thing or two about the lasting damage of disinformation and revisionist history, and that's why our work at the Bayou Brief is so essential.

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