In the US & around the globe, workers have & continue to face stagnant or declining wages + cuts to benefits & employment protections.
This summer, unions across this country are fighting back. Thousands of actors & writers have taken to the picket line, demanding fair compensation + protections from the threat of automation & artificial intelligence. Unions representing UPS drivers and auto workers are locked in negotiation with their respective employers, and may engage in strikes of their own.
For years, workers have faced anti-union action, legislation, and propaganda that have weakened their ability to organize. These unions have demonstrated the power organized labor has in negotiating on behalf of workers across this country. More workplaces deserve this kind of representation.
The Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee (EWOC) is the only org that any worker, in any industry, anywhere in the country can reach out to and receive support. Workers lead any actions and organizing efforts and EWOC provides training and support to help them win their demands. Since launching in March 2020, EWOC has helped support concrete campaign wins in over 75 workplaces representing thousands of workers. Donate & help workers build power + win their demands through collective action.