Super Swing Districts:
a) state house or state senate swing districts that overlap
b) a US House or another state legislative swing district
c) in a swing state
In Super Swing Districts
each voter casts votes in multiple swing elections.
Down-ballot candidates have reverse coattails
winning 1-2% more votes for the top of the ticket,
more than the difference in crucial elections
These 22 Super Swing District candidates are in
All crucial for 2022 US Senate elections and each has additional important statewide elections this year.
PA and AZ states legislatures could be flipped
OH and NC have crucial state supreme court elections
Additional info:
Your email will not be shared unless you opt to do so.
You can customize contributions or your contribution will be split evenly between these 22 candidates
Mandy Steele PAH-033
Anna Thomas PAH-137
Mark Moffa PAH-142
Gwen Stoltz PAH-143
Melissa Cerrato PAH-151
Ann Marie Mitchell PAS-06
Mark Pinsley PAS-16
Jennifer Shukaitis PAS-40
Jenanne Casteen AZS-02
Cindy Hans AZS-13
Taylor Kerby AZS-16
Laura Terech AZH-04
Lorena Austin AZH-09
Dana Allmond AZH-17
Shea Backus NVA-37
Christine Kelly NCH-037
Marcia Morgan NCS-07
Rachel Baker OHH-27
Erika White OHH-42
Patricia Goetz OHS-27
Eunic Ortiz FLS-18
Raquel Pacheco FLS-36