The past year has seen a wave of changes in the Knox County Democratic Party. Three new officers were elected, and for the first time in many years an overwhelming majority of precinct chairs and vice chairs represent areas in which they actually live. Committees are working, and volunteers are getting vital training.
In order to turn the tide in Knox County and Indiana, we need resources! Your time, talent, and treasure will help us build a stronger organization that will help develop future Knox County Democratic leaders and office holders.
By making a recurring monthly donation, you'll be providing much needed resources to increase our visibility in the county, and provide important training opportunities to seek out and develop candidates for elected office. When we work together, and pool gifts of all sizes, we leverage our collective power and increase our ability to share our values with our neighbors, and WIN!
Please choose the level of giving that best fits you:
Block Sponsor Level—$3 per month (or a one-time donation of $36 per year) Suggested Young Dem donation level (for members ages 18-36)
Neighborhood Sponsor Level—$5 per month (one-time: $60 per year)
Precinct Sponsor Level—$10 per month (one-time: $120 per year) Suggested Precinct Chair/Vice Chair minimum donation level
Township Sponsor Level—$21 per month (one-time: $250 per year)
County Sponsor Level—$42 per month (one-time: $500 per year)
District Sponsor Level—$60 per month (one-time: $700 per year)
State Sponsor Level—$84 per month (one-time: $1000 per year)
Federal Sponsor Level—$125 per month (one-time: $1500 per year)