PDA doesn't just call ourselves progressive, we prove it every day. We were founded over 13 years ago to fill a specific void: to serve as an effective progressive organization willing and able to bridge the gap between civil rights, peace, justice, environmental, and other activist organizations and the progressive elements within the Democratic Party. We connect our allies in the grassroots with members of Congress who can sponsor legislation, and we’ve done that on a wide array of issues. Please step up now to become a “PDA Sustainer.” We need 100 new sustainers every month to build the organization we need.
We don’t have a huge budget or expense accounts. We Are Sustainer Powered! We work tirelessly and cost-efficiently to make real progress. We help elect up and coming leaders to Congress, and then we work with them on legislation you support. PDA takes your views into the halls of Congress and to members of Congress in their home offices. We bring new cosponsors onto the most progressive legislation, and we work to block bad policies proposed by Republicans and corporate Democrats alike. We can keep the heat on congress, inside and outside the beltway, if you help sustain us today!