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In a time when Republicans are telling their voters that Democrats and Liberals are demons and sub-human animals, it is often expected that we on the left respond with similar rhetoric.


What I will say is that no one is a demon, and this is not a battle of good versus evil. What this is, is a determination of what kind of country we want to live in, what kind of state we want to live in, and what kind of neighbor we want to

be to our fellow Missourians.


MAGA, Make America Great Again. It actually has a very nice ring to it. But let meask you to think for a minute about what you look back to as when America was great and what made her great.


If your answer is a man could put food on the table and a roof over his family's head working 40 hours at the factory and put some away for a few nice things and retirement, it may shock you that I'm in agreement with you.


But if you think that went away because too many "illegals" came across the border, if you think it is because black people didn't used to complain as much about how their "rights" were being taken away from them, if you think it's because we let the LGBT "infect" our children... then you are lost to hate and have been sold a lie.


Immigrants and minorities are not why you are struggling more than your parents and their parents did. An immigrant didn't take your job, a CEO eliminated it so he could

increase the value of his shares by 3%. DEI isn't why you have a hard time paying the bills, your boss's boss's boss making 300 times more than you is why you can't afford a steak once a week. The gay couple down the street isn’t the

reason the your grocery bill has gone up month after month, it is the record corporate profits of companies who don’t care about their workers or their customers.


When we look at our neighbors we shouldn't see a competitor, a person who we need to take the food from so we can make sure our family eats. We should see them,

regardless of their race, sexuality, or religion as our brothers and sisters in a struggle against a culture of corporate greed that is trying to strangle the very life from the American worker.


A vote for Brandon Swartz is a vote for a person who has worked since he was 10 years old. From mowing lawns and selling ice cream to scrubbing toilets while trying to pay for law school I know what it means to work and I know what it

means to see the value of your labor stolen from you by those who don't really work at all.


I know this has been a lot to read, I appreciate your time. If you can I would also appreciate your help to fund this campaign, but if you can't right now I get it. But if you do believe in fighting for the working man, please share this with a friend and remember to vote this November.


Thank you,

Brandon Swartz

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. I will disclose to the recipient of my contribution any contract I have with the Missouri state government.
  5. This contribution is not from a corporation or labor organization.

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