Taylor Burge

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I'm Taylor Burge, co-owner of two small businesses on Lockhart's downtown square: Chaparral Coffee and Good Things Grocery. These spaces have evolved into vibrant hubs of connection in Caldwell County. I'm married to Austin- my business partner, best friend and co-parent to Cotton (8) and Clover (5). I love to play sandlot baseball and read novels in my down time. 

Since our move to Lockhart in 2015, I've been an advocate for connection and community. Engaging with both new and longstanding community members, I stay informed about the town's happenings. Regularly watching city council videos, I keep tabs on how our leaders are managing the area's growth. I'm actively involved in my child's school PTO at Clearfork Elementary and am a staunch supporter of small businesses and farmers. 

With over a decade of experience as an event coordinator, I've learned to remain calm amidst chaos, thrive under pressure, and approach problem-solving with precision.

Service leadership has been a constant in my life, growing up as a pastor's kid. Public office is about research, asking questions, and making decisions that benefit stakeholders. I commit to learning, sharing, and leading decisions that genuinely represent my neighbors' needs.

Caldwell County is growing, and the decisions we make today will shape its future. I believe in an inclusive approach, ensuring every voice is heard as we navigate this growth.

Known as a connector in the community, I've:

  • Connected local farmers with outlets to sell their goods.
  • Collaborated with the Texas Farmers Coop for CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) basket pickup locations for over six years.
  • Been actively involved in my son's public school, Clearfork Elementary PTO.
  • Worked with the Lockhart Downtown Business Association, leading events like the annual Sip & Stroll fundraiser.
  • Supported waste reduction through my husband's initiative: Compost Lockhart.
  • Provided daily coaching to local entrepreneurs.

Caldwell County needs effective problem solvers and an inclusive approach. As your County Commissioner for Precinct 1, I invite you to join me at the table.

I'm running to provide:

  • Active Transparency: Regular updates through email newsletters and social media.
  • Advocacy for Farmers: Ensuring responsible growth that preserves our heritage.
  • Support for Small Business Owners: Standing up for the crucial leaders in our community.
  • Affordability: Caldwell County is growing and it must remain affordable for the legacy residents.

Let's shape a Caldwell County that values transparency, sustains its legacy, and supports the vital leaders in our community while remaining approachable to the working families that comprise the majority of our towns.

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
  4. I am at least eighteen years old.

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