Hello Fellow Citizens,
My name is Roderick Cornell White, and I am running for Goldsboro City Council District 6. I am a Goldsboro native who has returned home as a 31 year combat veteran and laid my hands to the plow in efforts of "Moving Goldsboro Forward".
My Experiences are:
- I have held every leadership position from Team Leader to Command Sergeant Major
- Member of Chamber of Commerce
- Member of Military Affairs Commission
- Member of Community Relation and Development Commission
- Currently employed with North Carolina Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
- Responsible for the quality-of life issues for over 600,000 Service men and women and their families who call North Carolina home
My plan, with your help, consists of:
- Improving the safety of our city
- Growing our economy by aggressively seeking and recruiting industries like IT and manufacturing opportunities that pay a livable wage
- Continuing to strengthen the relationship with Seymour Johnson Air Force Base
- Finding developers to cater to our needs as a city for affordable housing.
- Improve and update our infrastructure so that we can grow as a city
It's time for a fresh set of eyes and ideas. Elect someone who will put performance over politics and "Move Goldsboro Forward"!