Tenants Organizing Against Displacement

Tenants’ Rights are Human Rights!

We’re working to get a measure on the ballot that, if passed, gives every tenant in Multnomah county access to free legal representation. Can you make a donation that is meaningful to you today to power our grassroots campaign?

Landlords play by different rules. Let’s balance the scales. Eviction Representation for All would give tenants in Multnomah County a fighting chance in eviction court by:

  • Providing free legal representation for ALL tenants facing an eviction.
  • Creating a Tenant Resource Office at the county level to administer the Right to Counsel Program.
  • Reducing the financial burden of eviction proceedings for tenants.
  • Reducing the number of evictions that take place in Multnomah County. (It’s true! According to The Appeal: “When tenants are represented by legal counsel during eviction proceedings, the outcomes change significantly. After New York City established a right to counsel at eviction proceedings, 86 percent of tenants with representation were able to remain in their home.”)
  • Reducing the number of eviction cases landlords win against tenants who don’t understand how to navigate the legal system alone.

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.

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