Athlete activists across the country keep fighting for racial justice and an end to police violence. These athletes, both sung and unsung, have put their careers, their jobs, their academic records, and even their lives on the line to stand up for what they believe in.
Let’s celebrate and show our gratitude to all the athlete activists fighting for racial justice. Throughout the rest of November’s Athlete Activism Month, we will celebrate these athletes and thank them by:
- Sending each of the 30 professional, collegiate, and student athlete activist featured this month a framed poster of the empowering graphic illustrations depicting them as superheroes.
- Sending each athlete activist a professionally bound book with the thousands of positive and supportive comments members like you have submitted for them.
- Continuing to fight for justice for unsung heroes like Amelia - who was physically forced to stand for the pledge of allegiance by a teacher’s aid, and Tyler Chancellor - who was fired for kneeling during the national anthem.
Together, we can show these athlete activists just how grateful we are for them and that their message is being heard, it’s making a difference, and that their courage has lit a fire that is inspiring thousands of people to act.