The Labor Force

The Labor Force is here

After decades of stagnating union membership, workers are taking power into our own hands and organizing ourselves. From Starbucks to Amazon to Trader Joe’s, we’ve made labor history.

Public support for unions is at an all-time high―but so is our corporate opposition. 

The biggest corporations in the world are throwing incredible amounts of money to block unions from forming, and to prevent the ones that have won elections from ever getting a contract. 

Or, in the words of Warren Buffett, “there’s class warfare all right. But it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

Guess what? That victory is not inevitable. It’s time to fight back, together.

That’s why we created The Labor Force. We are a new organization dedicated to growing and strengthening the labor movement by making it easy for everyone--union member or not--to participate.

We partner with traditional and independent unions and workers’ centers across the country to add the power of our community to the most pressing labor campaigns. Each week, we will support the needs of these campaigns through donations, petitions, phone calls, rallies, and more. We’re already planning campaigns with Trader Joe’s United, Amazon Labor Union, Home Depot Workers United, and Blue Bottle Independent Union.

By acting in solidarity, The Labor Force community multiplies the strength of every campaign and grows our momentum and power as a unified labor movement.

Working people built this country, and together, we’re going to save it. We’re never going to match corporate America dollar-for-dollar. But we don’t have to. We've got the 1% outnumbered, and together we can build a movement that's too powerful for corporations and the billionaire class to fight.

At this early stage, we are building out The Labor Force with community support and donations. If you’re with us, become a founding donor of The Labor Force today. Make a donation of $25 or more!

Contribution rules

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