2016: Flip Senate back from Republican Plutocrats

The Senate is now controlled by the Republicans by 54 seats to 46 Democrats.  The Democrats only need to pick up 5 seats to win back control of the Senate.  (There could be a 50 seat tie perhaps - the newly elected Vice president would break the tie.)  Some of these Senate races are also in  swing states so it is doubly important for the Democrats to do well in these states.  The Plutocrat Koch brothers intend to spend a whopping $900 million on the 2016 election.  The Tea Party, the Plutocrats and Republican War mongers are still in chrage of the Republican Party.  And Republican Former Speaker of the House was just charged with moving huge sums of cash - $1.5 million - to pay off a blackmailer.  I did not make that up!!! 

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