Young people are vastly underrepresented in boardrooms across industries. We're changing that together!
Your tax-deductible donation will support our education and campaign efforts, as well as our general operating budget. Within our educational programs, donations help cover the costs of student & recent graduate program fellows, in addition to speaker fees, reimbursements, and honoraria.
Within our campaign efforts, donations help cover the costs of student & recent graduate campaign fellows, paid advertising, postage, delivery, printing, and other miscellaneous campaign expenses. Within our general operating budget, donations help cover our Executive Director’s salary, benefits, and employer taxes, accounting and legal fees, email and web hosting, software subscriptions, and web design.
If you prefer to donate by check or DAF, please contact us at so we can provide the necessary information.
(Donations are routed and tax-deductible via The Boarding School Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization.)