Mi cuerpo,mi decisión. ¡Y punto!
Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR) is a Denver-based grassroots nonprofit that is both Latinx-led and Latinx-serving. COLOR provides a voice on reproductive rights, health and justice for the Latinx community, their families and allies.
Invest in COLOR. This work is too vital to our civic health and we need your support.
When you donate to COLOR, your investment goes right back to the people. Please consider a donation to support Latinx Reproductive Justice work in Colorado!
$500 helps five LIPS youth travel to Washington D.C. to lobby their representatives.
$250 helps bring four Coloradans from across the state to Latino/a Advocacy Day.
$150 sends three canvassers out into our neighborhoods to register & mobilize voters.
$75 provides sex ed to one adult and one youth from our Spanish-speaking, immigrant families.
$55 provides one abortion positive event through the COLORado #1in3 Youth Council.