IRS data show that if your name is Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, or Michael Bloomberg, you paid zero in federal income tax over multiple recent years, even as you made billions of dollars from the gains your wealth generated for you.
The average U.S. taxpayer pays a federal income tax of 13%. Yet IRS data reveal that the top 400 richest billionaires paid an effective tax rate of only 8.2% over a recent nine-year period, if the increased value of their stocks is included as income.
It’s unfair, and unacceptable.
No wonder President Biden called for a billionaire minimum income tax in his State of the Union address, saying “Reward work, not just wealth.” This minimum tax would eliminate egregious loopholes so households worth over $100 million will pay their fair share of taxes.
Contribute to TakeItBack.Org and fund the fight to pass the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax now!