Throughout our country’s history, the president of the United States has been chosen not by popular vote, but by the undemocratic Electoral College, and this has created a significant imbalance throughout the judicial branch.
In fact, five of our 46 Presidents have come into office without winning the popular votes nationwide. That’s right, five times in history, the actual LOSER of the popular vote has still become the President of the United States.
We can fix this so it never happens again.
It's clear that the Electoral College is an outdated and undemocratic way to decide who will govern a nation of hundreds of millions of people. Reform is long overdue and the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is a real reform that could work to elect the President of the United States by majority vote.
Contribute to TakeItBack.Org and fund the fight to pass the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact in states across the country now!