The tax code in the United States is the clearest demonstration of the power of the wealthy elite to manipulate our economic system to their advantage. The blatant inequality embedded in our tax laws allows the rich to grow richer, while the middle and working classes shoulder the burden of funding public services.
This injustice is most evident in the preferential treatment given to investment income and inheritances, which are taxed at a lower rate than the hard-earned income of working people.
It is unconscionable that those who benefit the most from our society's resources are allowed to contribute a disproportionately smaller share of their income to the public good by paying a top marginal rate of just 20% on their capital gains compared to the 37% paid by workers on their income.
There’s no doubt that the current tax code is a mockery of the principle of fairness.
Contribute to TakeItBack.Org and fund the fight demanding Congress stand up for working families and tax all income over $1 million, including investments and inheritance, at the same rate as work now >>