Trump faces many potential criminal charges in cases ranging from the federal level Special Counsel investigations into incitement of the January 6th insurrection and illegal handling of presidential records and classified documents to the state level local country inquiry into election tampering and intimidation in Georgia, but New York is the first jurisdiction to indict Trump on felony charges.
As Trump now heads to a criminal trial, he’s already fanning the flames among his supporters and inciting them to violence with his usual hysterical and unfounded claims of political persecution.
The first-ever felony indictment of a former United States President is historic and the public interest requires complete transparency from beginning to end.
The public has a right to know and that means Trump’s trial must be televised.
Unfortunately, New York is currently the only state in the nation totally barring cameras in court.
Fortunately, NY’s highest court has ruled that the state legislature can allow -- or even require -- cameras in the courtroom and Governor Hochul can sign it into law before the trial begins.
Contribute to TakeItBack.Org and fund the fight demanding NY lawmakers protect the public from lies and disinformation by televising Trump's trial now!