
Take It Back: Turn Mississippi BLUE

There is a deep and dark history of voter suppression in Mississippi and some of it occurred during many our lifetimes. It is something that NO ONE is in a position to make light off and another reason why we need to send them a message by electing Mike Espy on Tuesday, November 27th. 

In fact just a few days ago REPUBLICAN POLLING showed the race at a razor thin margin with Espy within the MARGIN OF ERROR.

Pundits and analysts across the spectrum agree that Espy's path to victory hinges on Democrat turnout. Specially, African American and other minority voters that propelled the takeover of the U.S. House earlier this month.

We are working directly with Mike and others in Mississippi to turnout the vote and make sure people get to the polls and exercise their right to vote free of constraint.

We need your help today to raise $10,000 hire election day workers, poll watchers, and anti-suppression experts to make sure EVERYONE has a voice this Tuesday, November 27th.

There is still time to make a difference. Please give today and ask your friends and family to do so as well!

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