Turn Left PAC

Give Kyrsten Sinema a Big Thumbs Down!

Kyrsten Sinema is the definition of a grifter. She lied to voters about being a progressive and then turned around and voted against a $15 minimum wage. She gave it a big thumbs down...literally!

Sinema along with West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin joined Senate Republicans in opposition to changing the filibuster, preventing Senate Democrats from advancing major voting rights legislation.

When the Arizona voters asked her to step down because of her dishonesty and lack of transparency, she left the Democratic party and registered as an Independent. Now she threatens to boost Republican's odds of flipping that Senate Seat.

This is EXACTLY what the dark money SuperPAC No Labels wants: to hand Senate seats to the GOP.

“Her candidacy would split the field into an unpredictable three-way race. If she siphons away too many voters from the Democratic nominee, she could boost Republicans’ odds to flip the seat.” -Politico

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  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
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