The day Michigan cut off the bottled water supply for Flint families, over a hundred Black women braved an icy storm to gather to strategize and build power together during Color Of Change's first Flint #BlackWomensBrunch.
Why? Because Black Women leaders know that Flint's toxic water poisoning their children isn't about lack of public awareness...
It's about POWER.
Our takeaway from the Black Women Brunches across Flint, Lansings, Grand Rapids, and Detroit, is that Black Women are switched on and hungry for change to happen.
Your donation directly puts resources and tools into Black women organizers in their own communities. Too often we expect Black women to carry the brunt of frontline social justice work -- and many do out of love and necessity -- but at great cost to themselves and their families.
#TrustBlackWomen means we trust them with the resources they need to do what they need to do.
Color Of Change was built on a model of scalable organizing, using technology to enhance and expand our work. Your donation will train hundreds of Black women to use online petitions, social media, and on-the-ground tactics to bring better jobs, equitable education, and universal healthcare to our communities.
Donate today.