SNATCH THE BAG: A Comedy Fundraiser for Tax the Rich

Join NYC-DSA for a night of comedy to celebrate our Tax the Rich Week of Action! Grab a laugh and a drink to help us secure the bag - your support will raise $10,000 to launch our lobbying day in Albany in February!

Friday January 20, 2023


Pine Box Rock Shop

(12 Grattan Street, Williamsburg BK 11206)

*Wearing a mask is strongly encouraged while not eating/drinking at this event!*

Featuring performances by comedians Spike Einbinder and River L. Ramirez (both from HBO's Los Espookys) and remarks from socialists in office Assembly Members Phara Souffrant Forrest and Emily Gallagher, and Senators Kristen Gonzalez and Julia Salazar!

If New York were a country, it'd be the tenth richest in the world. But the wealthy few waste the riches that workers, we, produce. So let's step forward together, and take it back! Tax the Rich to raise $40 billion in revenue and invest in housing security, universal education, healthcare, childcare, and a just energy transition - every dollar you contribute helps us make sure we New Yorkers get what we are owed!

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