Contributions are tax-deductible, we're a 501(c)(3). There are no contribution limits. For more ways to donate visit
4 million young people turn 18 in 2025. Help us get them registered to vote to power the 2026 Elections.
Based on our success registering 477,000 young voters since 2019, we are focused on using our proven grassroots and digital strategies to register as many young voters as possible.
$15,000 - Help register 3,000 young voters
$10,000 - Help register 2,000 young voters
$5,000 - Help register 1,000 young voters
$2,500 - Help register 500 young voters
$1,000 - Help register 200 young voters
$500 - Help register 100 young voters
$250 - Help register 50 young voters
To donate via check or from a donor advised fund or foundation, email
Learn more about our impact here.
If you would like to give more than $15,000 click here.