Early voting is just weeks away—in person voting begins on Valentine’s Day.
To help voters of HD 92 and HD 94 decide which candidate has earned their vote, we are hosting a candidate forum, Thursday, January 27, at 7pm, at the East Arlington Library and Recreation Center, 1817 New York Ave, Arlington, TX 76010
Candidates for HD 92 Salman Bhojani, Tracy Scott, and Dinesh Sharma will participate and uncontested candidate for HD 94 Dennis Sherrard will open the forum.
This forum is free for MCD members. Not a member? Click here to join for just $5 a month, or just $2 a month for seniors, or free for students!
Non-members can still attend for $20 that helps us cover venue rental, food and drink.
All event proceeds will be donated to the winner of the HD 92 Democratic Primary.
If you're unvaccinated, please join us via Facebook Live on the night of the forum. Doors open at 6:30pm for socializing and candidate engagement. Bring a mask and bring a friend!
Champion sponsor:
State Representative and House Democratic Caucus Chair Chris Turner
Co-host sponsors:
Salman Bhojani
Sean Hayward
Tracy Scott
Dinesh Sharma
Dennis Sherrard
Supporter sponsor:
State Democratic Executive Committeeman M. Emad Salem