We are working to hold prosecutors accountable across the country. Whether it be in Chicago, Cleveland, Minneapolis, or Columbia, SC, we are putting pressure on prosecutors to hold police accountable and end the criminalization of Black communities. We’re also fighting for systemic change to make it easier to hold prosecutors accountable and more difficult for the to let police off the hook. In 2015, we helped to win a special prosecutor law for the State of New York.
In 2016, we are doubling down on these efforts by getting involved in prosecutorial elections so that bad prosecutors like Timothy McGinty in Cleveland and Anita Alvarez in Chicago don’t serve another term. Launched in support of grassroots organizer's in Chicago, our website ByeAnita.com, helped to get the word out about Alvarez's record in the lead up to the election and she lost in a landslide. It is time for us to be proactive and build on these victories. We must continue fight for accountability for those who are crippling our criminal justice system.
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