Vote.Organize is a new community of supporters who make a monthly commitment to increasing voter turnout across the country, especially in communities where turnout has historically been low.
Access Advocates ($15/month) help reach 5 voters every month. In return for your monthly commitment, you become a member of the Vote.Organize community, receive an exclusive weekly email update, and gain access to exclusive events.
Turnout Champions ($99/month) help reach 33 voters every month. You will receive a weekly email update, access to events, and an invitation to join a monthly video call with staff and guests.
Barrier Breakers ($300/month) help reach 100 voters every month. You will receive a weekly email update, access to events, a monthly video call with staff and guests, and a year-end gift.
Your commitment today will give us financial support we can count on, so we can scale our plans to achieve structural change.